JCI European Conference 2025

04. Juni 2025


08. Juni 2025

Art der Veranstaltung

Externe Veranstaltung, Konferenz, Ticket erforderlich


Herning | Denmark

Die Europakonferenz wird von einem europäischen Kreis ausgerichtet und findet irgendwo in Europa statt. Dort treffen sich jährlich zwischen 1.000 -2.500 Junioren aus ganz Europa.


Topics at the 2025 JCI European Conference, Herning, Denmark


Creativity and innovation thrive in Denmark because it’s a safe and trustworthy country. On all the lists and global rankings of all the most creative and innovative countries in the world, Denmark always finds a way to be amongst most creative. From the time they are children, Danes are told to question conventional wisdom – and encouraged to come up with something better. That makes innovation and entrepreneurship a natural part of the Danish DNA.


The Danish education system is considered world-class for its high-quality education and innovative teaching methods. The system is considered world-class for its high-quality education and innovative teaching methods. The system is characterized by a strong emphasis on equal opportunities, individual learning, and social responsibility.


We want to explore how to develop and retain top talent in today’s fast-paced business world. Participants will learn about the latest trends, tools, and techniques for nurturing talent and fostering innovation.


Danish association life, known as ‚foreningsliv,‘ is integral to promoting democratic values and civic engagement. Associations formed around common interest, hobbies, or causes, play a vital role in Danish society, fostering community, active citizenship, and equality.

Bei unseren Veranstaltungen werden Bildaufnahmen gemacht. Diese dienen zur Verwendung und Veröffentlichung zum Zwecke der öffentlichen Berichterstattung über das Vereinsleben. Mit der Teilnahme an unserer Veranstaltung erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, auf diesen Bildern zu erscheinen. Falls du damit nicht einverstanden bist, teile uns dies bitte direkt vor Ort am Eingang mit.

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